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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Reduced Row Echelon

I was so exciter today. Words couldn't describe the happiness. After days having absolutely nothing at all in my mind but the Gauss Jordan Elimination method, I had finally managed to nail down this method.

Yesterday was pretty tiring because I was spending the few minutes on my bed with " Algebra for Scientist and Engineers", which was my dad's books and " Algebra" which I acquired illegally, definitely not something I am proud of but I had to do it. I don't know whether I should say this two books sucks at explaning the method or because of my retarded brain. It didn't get me anywhere near the solution.

Today during PJK, I rushed to the library to continued with my study. After flipping through " Advanced Algebra" and " Intermediate Algebra", I realized they didn't even mentioned the Gauss Jordan Elimination method. But luckily I found this book called " Trigonometry and Algebra". Ahh this is what I have been looking for!! Too bad, I didn't get to study it in details because the stupid librarians kicked me out.

I skipped Chinese class today. I don't feel guilty at all except for dragging my friend along with me. Anyway, here comes my major breakthrough, I read through the explanation and examples thoroughly. And yeah I tried the questions and got it right. Even though I still had a hard time with 3 by 3 matrix. Nevermind, I can watch the Reduced Row Echleon Form 1 at Khan Academy later.

Gauss Jordan Elimination make use of matrices to solve a set of linear equations. I wouldn't say its easier than the substitution method. You can make mistakes pretty easily. But it is really useful especially when you have tons of unknowns. You solve it by using the elementary row operations. There are three rules in this elementary row operations. I don't really remember it but I copied it in my friend's book. Those 2 books I had at home didn't even mentioned what are the rules in elementary row operations and how was I supposed to know?

I had almost finish all the matrices videos. Those last three video are about the Reduced Row Echelon Form.
Yeah, conic sections, here I come

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

In love with The Sugababes. I found out that one of their members comes from Atomic Kitten. This makes me love them even more!!!

Please do listen to it. They are awesome!!
Hell why no spacing?


The thing about ANNOYING old aunties

Annoying old aunties are everywhere. When its only few minutes away for school to be over, You will see them wandering aoutside the school, chatting and gossiping. When the tuition class has dismissed, you will also see them talking non stop to the teachers with their saliva all over the mouth. They don't bother because they had too much of it that they felt the need to talk to get it all out. I am really sick of these aunties. My mother is a teacher and she deal with them almost everyday. They hardly left you alone. My mum always have to avoid them, don't listen to their calls. Even my sisi and I had to hide when we saw one of them because we couldn't stand them asking questions. They want to know everything about others yet all they do is talk about themselves. Mostly I don't have much of an opinion about them, as long as they don't bother me. But one of them really did.

I had a new transporter to drive me home after last year's incident. This auntie, my transporter had a big and spacious car. I'm grateful that at least I don't have squeeze with boys on the backseat like I used to last year. She had a son, which is a year older than me. The son is popular in school, everyone dream guy with good grades and look. This old auntie likes to talk, non stop. Most of the time I just gave her some mild response like " oh, uh ,ah", occasionally ask a few questions. She can drool on and on about herself, newest gossip, you know what I mean. Sometimes she would ask me some questions about myself. I would very much prefer not to answer it, but I don't have a choice. Like the last time she asked about my Chinese marks, I knew she was comparing me to her son, so I just tell her I couldn't remember my marks. Now you get the idea, she was trying to show off her brilliant son, which is not so brilliant to me cuz he has fat lips and he's a player.

Her son joined a competition which required him to dress up as a girl wearing all those recycle products. The mother showed me his photos. Until now I still couldn't erase it from my mind and I think I gonna puke if I come to think of it. She told me all about it. Said he won third place and the newspapers even had a story about it. She looked shock when I told her I know nothing. Yes never heard of it, never seen of it. Haha... then she asked me:" Is it like that? You students don't know when the school had any activities? 你学校有什么活动你们学生不知道的吗?". What she actually mean is " Don't you know that my son got third place in this competition?". Sorry ma'am, I wouldn't care even if I see it, its totally none of my business. Who cares about his son anyway? I know eveyone loves him but I don't give a damn about him and what he do.

Argh, annoying aunties...

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Finish reading The Vampire Diaries today (Friday 7/8/09 at 8.00a.m. sharp)
Its a Nice story, but I prefer the first book.
Its my favourite book from now on
A 100 lot more better than Twilight
Looking forward to the third book- The Return: Nightfall